Patent Terms Glossary: Your Guide To The Language of Patents

Patent Terms Glossary: Your Guide To The Language of Patents Are you new to patents? Have you encountered a specific patent term or phrase you’d like to know more about? Our helpful patent terms glossary below offers clear explanations of some of the key terms relating to patents, patent applications and other forms of intellectual property (IP). We hope this glossary provides useful insights into the language of patents and IP, which can be complex topics. Russell IP has the expertise to help guide you through the many nuances, so please do get in touch if you need advice about […]

Software Patents – A More Functional UK IPO Hearings Table

Software Patents: Russell IP’s Consolidated UK IPO Hearings Table on Excluded Fields Russell IP has created a table (below) that consolidates Patent Decisions from the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) on excluded fields. The table includes Patent Decisions that found the inventions in question to relate to excluded fields (Refused) and Patent Decisions that found the inventions in question not to relate to excluded fields (Allowed). As we’ve explained below, the UK IPO’s Hearings Database is the main, and most reliable, source of information on such Patent Decisions.  However, we have added additional functionality in our table, to make […]

Iain Russell Launches EQE Training

Russell IP’s Iain Russell has today launched EQE Training with fellow patent attorney Guy Warner. EQE Training is a brand new training programme for trainee patent attorneys taking Papers A & B (drafting and amendment) of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) to become European Patent Attorneys (EPAs). Iain and Guy have been tutoring together on these papers for many years. Indeed, a catalyst for launching EQE Training was the overwhelmingly positive feedback Guy and Iain received on the Free EQE Webinar Series hosted by Russell IP.  Guy and Iain together to put the final touches to EQE Training before its […]

Most-Used Parts Of EPO’s Guidelines For Examination (2/5)

Overview In this series of five short articles, I’ll share my top five most-used parts of the EPO’s Guidelines for Examination during patent prosecution before the EPO, along with an explanation of why I think they’re so useful. Why would I ‘give away’ my prosecution ‘secrets’, you might wonder! Well, they’re not really secrets and I hope that, by sharing them, others may benefit and there may be some helpful discussion that could make my own use of them even more effective! These articles might also be helpful for those studying for EQE Paper B (Amendment). Part 1 In Part 1 of the series, […]

Most-Used Parts Of EPO’s Guidelines For Examination (1/5)

Overview In this series of five short articles, I’ll share my top five most-used parts of the EPO’s Guidelines for Examination during patent prosecution before the EPO, along with an explanation of why I think they’re so useful. Why would I ‘give away’ my prosecution ‘secrets’, you might wonder! Well, they’re not really secrets and I hope that, by sharing them, others may benefit and there may be some helpful discussion that could make my own use of them even more effective! These articles might also be helpful for those studying for EQE Paper B (Amendment). Part 1 I’ll kick […]

🍕 Essential Features: An Essential Pizza The Patent Puzzle 🍕

One of the patent office objections that frustrates me the most is an (unfounded) objection that a feature not currently in the independent claim(s) is an essential feature and, as such, must be recited there. I mostly see this in office actions issued by the European Patent Office (EPO), but also sometimes see it in office actions issued by the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO). I’d like to share a few thoughts on how it might be possible to reduce the likelihood of such objections being raised or, at least, to have extra grounds for arguments against such objections […]

A handy hack for patent-checking

I’ve always wanted to find an easy way to check whether any / all words in a first set of words are / aren’t in a second set of words. Example use case 1: Are there any words in a set of claims that aren’t in (the words of) a given prior art document? That could give some leads for novelty. Example use case 2: Are there any words in a set of claims that aren’t in a corresponding description? That could suggest lack of support. I’ve included some screenshots below of how this hack can be used for this […]

Free EQE Webinar Series 2021 Materials

For the main Russell IP website, click here For the EQE Training website, click here Russell IP hosted a series of five free webinars from 18-22 January 2021, primarily for candidates who were affected by the cancellation of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) in 2020 as a result of the pandemic. The webinars collectively provided almost 10 hours of free tutoring to candidates from across Europe and further afield and proved very popular with most of the sessions having almost 400 attendees. The free webinar series was a joint initiative coordinated by Iain Russell of Russell IP and Guy Warner of Unilever. Iain and […]

Russell IP’s Iain Russell Co-Tutors On EQE Papers A & B Training Course

Russell IP’s Iain Russell co-tutored on a two-day European Qualifying Examination (EQE) Papers A & B training course (patent drafting and amendment). Iain will be delivering another two-day training course on EQE Papers A & B next week. Russell IP provides bespoke patent attorney exam training services, especially for the UK patent drafting paper (FD2) and the European patent drafting and amendment papers (papers A and B). If you’d like to discuss these services further, please get in touch with Russell IP here!

Free EPO e-course On Evaluating Inventive Step Using The Problem-Solution Approach

The European Patent Office (EPO) has some great, free online e-courses, one of which (available here) is on evaluating inventive step using the problem-solution approach (PSA). The PSA is set out in the EPO’s Guidelines For Examination, Part G-VII, 5 (available here). This e-course discusses inventive step, explains the PSA, and includes an exercise to allow you to test your understanding, and application, of the PSA. The e-course is a great read for anyone looking to learn about, or refresh on, the PSA, whether for application in day-to-day practice before the EPO or in the European Qualifying Examination (EQE). Russell […]