Rockin’ Patent – Harry C Chamberlin’s “Magnetic Tape Sound Reproducing Musical Instrument”

US Patent No. 2,940,351 – Harry C Chamberlin – Magnetic Tape Sound Reproducing Musical Instrument - Patents Rock - Russell IP
  • Rockin’ Patent®: US Patent No. 2,940,351
  • Filed: 16 October 1953
  • In the name of: Harry C Chamberlin (inventor)
  • Title: Magnetic Tape Sound Reproducing Musical Instrument
  • What’s claimed: “In a sound reproducing device: a plurality of sound pickup heads; a plurality of record tapes each having a sound track thereon; power driven means for moving said tapes forwardly so that the sound tracks thereof will move relative to said pickup heads; control means for effecting operation of said power driven means to move said tapes forwardly, said control means including a plurality” of keys adapted to be respectively actuated when reproduction of sound selectively from said tapes is desired; reversing means for moving said tapes in reverse direction; and means acting upon release of said keys to effectuate said reversing means so as to return said tapes respectively to their starting positions.”
  • Why this patent rocks: This patent appears to relate to the ‘Chamberlin’ electro-mechanical keyboard that was a precursor to the Mellotron. Although there are multiple patents linked to this instrument, this article by J. Donald Tillman suggests that this patent is likely the first. For a detailed insight into the specifications of the Chamberlin, see here

If you’re a patent-savvy music tech business looking for patent help, get in touch with Russell IP here!

The information above is for general interest and information only and does not constitute legal advice.

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